By using neuroscience and AI and machine learning, we study the brain, biological responses, and behavior to understand and shape how customers feel, think, and act.

Know your customer
in depth.
Brand & Brain Study
with Neuroscience & AI
What we can do ?

Campaign testing | A (BBS) Brand & Brain Study Service



Evaluate Consumer's emotional and cognitive reactions to marketing campaigns using a advanced EEG Technology

Analyze subconscious consumer perceptions of brand elements like logos and taglines, utilizing neural response data.

Brand impact assessment | A (BBS) Brand & Brain Study Service


Product design & usability feedback | A (BBS) Brand & Brain Study Service


Use EEG technology to assess consumer reactions to product designs and packaging.

Digital user experience analysis | A (BBS) Brand & Brain Study Service

Apply EEG to measure user engagement and cognitive load during the use of digital platforms.


Content engagement analysis | A (BBS) Brand & Brain Study Service

Measure consumer engagement with different types of content using EEG to assess attention capture and retention.